Wednesday, September 28, 2011

International Coffee Day Season One Complete

Just as a slight disclaimer: this is a surreal comic I made throughout my time in high school, if you don't like twisted, dark humor you probably won't like this. But I still like you.

OINKER (the cat with the red nose):
lol. whyd u do that fag?

EASYMAN (guy on the left with the gun):


MR. P (guy on the right pointing):
I did that once.

I'm hardcore.
Like you.
Wanna hang out?


No you may not hang out with us Mr. Pederast.
I just gave birth to a beautiful, baby girl.
I hope she'll be able to find happiness in this post 9-11 world.
*sniff* *sniff*

LOL ur so random.

Kiss her. Kiss my beautiful daughter.

no wai

U could like have swine flu or something.

Are......Are you saying my daughter's fat?


Yo daughter's so fat, she got mo' chins than a chinese phonebook

heh heh.

But seriously, you need to get that bitch on an eating disorder, and quick.

Yeah. We tried that. And Atkins.
But someone just can't stop shoving the Big-Macs down her piggy throat.

I can see thru time

If your daughter doesn't lose her virginity by midnight tonite, she shall be sacrificed in the name of the Bali-High Avenger.

Well great. Now what am I going to do? You're the only person I know and you won't even kiss her.

wut can I say dood.
I don't do fat chix.

MR. P:
Well, well, well. Look who all of the sudden needs their friendly neighborhood pederast to bang their 4 minute old daughter.
that's some sweet ass jailbait.

I'd rather have my daughter be viciously raped to death by the three-billion foot long, uncircumcised black shaft of the 'Bali High Avenger' then have her so much as touch your tiny widdle pecker, you fucking socialist.

Put yer balls away, man.
he's just tryin' to help out
Thatz not even really yer daughter, thatz just a gunshot wound/stub
where yer hand usetabe

I'm not going to let a fucking cat tell me what I did/did not give birth to.

Thatz our werd.

I......I know.

Hah. I knew it all along.
For you see: I too po-zess the ability TO SEE THRU TIME.

Did you foretell this? Bitch?



....and that's it! I started it all my sophomore year of high school during my film analysis class, and did the last one there the last day of my senior year when I found it and decided to give it a finale. I'm still doing them just for fun and to kill time. I might make a separate blog entirely for it if it ever turns into something more, I do pump out the pages pretty quickly. It's not really writing related, more me related, so I might just either start a new blog for people who like it, or just whenever I write about it just figure out how to do the jump thing on blogspot so they're easy to skip over and get to the guts of what this blog is actually about. I'll figure it all out later. If you read this all, thank you! I'm just adjusting to college and stuff and puking out smaller stuff I've had in the backlog, but newer stuff will be coming soon.

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


From about my sophomore year in high school to now,I've been doodling a surreal comic in a crumpled up notebook that I just shared with my friends every once in a while, and continue working at today. A few friends of mine wanted me to send it to them or post it on facebook or something, but I never got around to it. After a while it just sort of became the backlog of this site, just to post when I don't have anything else or am too busy. So tomorrow I'll post the entire thing with translations and commentary and such.

I've decided I'm probably just going to archive Lorem Ipsum, put bits and pieces up here if I ever feel around to it. It's up to 50 some pages right now in its unedited form, and looking over it, I'm pretty sure I don't want anyone to read it until I can sew a narrative thread, add fictional elements, change names and so on, or just until I'm dead. There's stuff in it I'm really, really done with and don't deserve a single second more of my time or thoughts. But it represents an important portion of my life where I grew up so much, and I don't want to lose that, so I held onto it and processed it and learned from it by thinking deeply and writing about it all.

Most of the people in it that I write about, probably 1/2 of the 10 or so characters are truly horrible human beings that don't deserve to be recognized in any fashion, let alone analyzed in the way that I did in this makes me feel bad that I'm almost doing them a service, giving them attention, letting them know they got to me, let them know that they had an impact at all, no matter how negative; that is way more than they deserve from anyone and it fills me with conflict about the whole situation. It never stopped me from actually writing, and I'm never going to stop writing about people who have an impact on me, but now that I'm thinking of publication and letting an aspect of my life that has always been intensely personal be sent out into the world and possibly get a certain degree of attention, it makes me think of everything from a new perspective. I'll probably write about it more at some point, but as of now that's where I'm leaning.

Tune in tomorrow for the thing I talked about before that I'll give a title to when I feel like it/get around to it!

Sunday, September 25, 2011

Lorem Ipsum and Stuff

Some stuff has happened that made Lorem Ipsum a lot closer to being done. I don't know what I'm going to do with it. It's incredibly personal and there's themes of irrationality, hatred, pain, rage, manipulation of the truth, selfishness, emotional and mental abuse, and being a witness and subject of all of the above. All of that's been a large part of my life for the past year, and learning from all of it and growing up while keeping the product as far from 'suburban coming of age angst' as possible has been a large part of the experience of writing Lorem Ipsum. I don't know if I'd want it published or have it be that thing I have on the backlog that maybe some people would be interested in reading if they've read my other stuff. There are some people I would like to read it, just because, and hear what they have to say about it. I think I'll just have it archived. I'll post something about it when I'm done, done.

Near futurewise, I have a thing I wrote about my love for pulp books, and I still have drawings and stuff I'll post at some point. I'll get around to all of that soon.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Things I'm Working On This Exact Moment & Their Progress

Ayn and I:
I've been rapid-fire writing this since I've started, and I'm about at the point of getting it all arranged and edited, as I wrote it out of order on the final doc, the rough doc and my journal. It's looking like this will be my first non-short story finalized and set out for publication.

Detective Antipathy:
I don't want to ruin this, because I've been changing this a lot since I started writing it my sophomore year and I've only started the shape it's taking now recently. It's really fun to write. A lot of experimentation and delicious insanity dripping imagery.

Eating the Ram's Head and Fig Leaf:
This one here's my baby. I started writing it for my senior thesis last year, with the idea that I'd be able to have a finished novella by the due date of the project. It wasn't long before I knew this was more than a four-weeker. Even when it's not the top priority, I'm constantly thinking about it and taking notes and continuously cracking away at it underneath everything else.

Back of My Mind & Misc. Other Stuff:
Mule: Sequel to Eating the Ram's Head and Fig Leaf
Lorem Ipsum: Collection of journals.

I've also got several letters I'm writing. A couple to friends that'll just go in my archive. One to the Grandview theater about a shadow-casting show I saw that might go up here.

Two more days 'till college. That might slow down things here. If it does, I've got some things to keep posting in the mean time, drawings and comics I made throughout high school and the like, perhaps some old papers? Wait and see, next time: on Lt. Meatface the Dream Warrior of the Cosmos!!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

HasieB and Me

I've been busy with college starting and stuff, but here's a little nugget to tide all of you over until I post next: A delightful interaction in the coments between an individual identified only by the name: "Hasebronk" and myself. It included a tidbit I wrote that might be included in my book, about Ayn Rand's life, and of course, more Ayn Rand bitching. BUT JUST YOU WAIT. Some day you'll be able to have to get up and go to the bookstore to hear me waxing poetic on my hatred for this woman. If indeed anyone would publish it in light of that it could very well be a libel suit from the Rand estate sleeping between two covers.


HasieB said...

i miss you. i have a student this year who thinks ayn rand's ideas were right on--although he will admit she was a nut job. and it doesn't matter that she spent the end of her life suckling the system. uggggh!

Max Wilson said...

Ugh. Yeah. This person is right on the ball, even though her philosophy precludes reality, she's a hypocrite and an undiagnosed sociopath (taking her philosophy at its word) who wrote about how much she loved a serial killer who kidnapped and killed a little girl and cut her body in half and threw her organs around in public while laughing because he had:
"A wonderful, free, light consciousness" born of the utter absence of any understanding of "the necessity, meaning, or importance of other people."
Yeah, she's just a little 'out there', but I think at its core, her philosophy is congruent with reality :P (even though it denies the importance of reality and how actions effect the real world)

"She plopped on the ground of mother Russia from betwixt her mother’s hairy thighs a selfish girl who thought too much of herself...and she was buried in the dirt of the massive marketplace for ideas (even bad ones), a mean, selfish hag who devoted her life to making that selfish little girl back in Russia feel like she was never wrong about being greedy and only interested in her self. No matter what it took."
-Maxwell Wilson esq.


I miss you too! I'll definitely visit CS this year to check up on you guys :)

-and scene.

Saturday, September 3, 2011

I am writing so much, oh my god

I'll post something after this, but I have been writing so much on my Ayn Rand deal, that these alien brain slugs came into my room to eat my brain, but they didn't want to because there wasn't anything useful in my head except stuff on some chick who died 30 years ago. And I'm all like: "Wait, Mr. Alien Brain Slug! I've got other stuff in here, come back!" And then I realized that I was trying to convince an alien brain slug to eat my brains LOL MLIA ROFL

Current Title:

Ayn and I


Irrational: The Root of All Evil


Ayn Rand Was a Mean, Stupid Hypocrite Who Spent Her Life Dry of Empathy For the Plight of Others, Saying Mean, Stupid Things That Everyone Should Stop Taking Seriously