Monday, April 29, 2013


   I'm not that great of an illustrator.  Truth in that appears quick when I learn of some new rule in drawing and start to apply it to doodles and it's like night and day before and after.  Here I'm trying to figure out how to do line work better.  You try and make heavier, thicker lines to the objects that are closer to the eye, like this guy's nose and teeth and shit, and then the farther away, the thinner the lines get.  It's something I've always known is important, so I've been wanting to figure it out for myself for a while now.  When line work is done shittily, it's really noticeable and makes your comic or cartoon look like shit.  This is especially true for comics, though.

    Fucking comics get squeezed down so that they're tinier than all fuck and Dilbert still only uses 1/16th of the microscopic four frames it gets per day, no colors, so some of the only ways left that the artist could ever show that they know a single thing about drawing things with are construction and line work.  And Scott Adams poops this out:

    Construction built from those transparent, green ruler/stencil things you get in fourth grade to draw 10 different shapes and measure angles, and every line is the same exact weight.

    It's just always made my eyes hurt with how awful it looks.  It's what you do for a living, guy!  Do you have any idea how many artists with even the slightest bit of knowledge on illustration would kill to have 1/50th your readership and 1/50th of your income?  At the very least you should try to maintain the illusion that people like you deserve at least a little to be where you are, just for the sake of these people not just fucking blowing their brains out on your heart-wrenchingly unfunny comic one morning.

   Just comparing Dilbert and something like Calvin and Hobbes or Bloom County is like the difference between Picasso and a drawing of a smiley face in a trail of pee in the snow.

   So yeah.  Doodling is good for experimenting and understanding new artistic things too so give it a try why don'

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