Towards the beginning of this year, this happened:
I wrote a letter to the fellow in the video. His website says that all letters get a response. I wouldn't be surprised that if there were one exception, that I'd be it. Which is a shame. I really would like a response.
My dearest David Albo,
wept a whole day for your pain. I cried
a tear for each of the uncomfortable throbs your little, blue balls made after
they were denied their release of their grey globs of semen, into the dry cunt
hole between the smelly legs of your beautiful wife, Rita.
cannot believe that those sick, twisted lunatics making that anti-transvaginal
ultrasound bill ad. The audacity they
must have. They should fucking know
better. This was your time for you to fuck your
wife. Not their time to spout their
baby-killing propaganda.
woman has a right to choose to kill a baby.
Even if she was raped. If she
made a mistake. If she was misinformed
about contraception by abstinence only education. It is her place to sit with that ever-swelling
reminder of her whoredom in her belly until she squeezes it out into the world
to live and die by God’s Law. If a woman
dare attempt to stand against it, she should have to go through it again. Have to feel something inserted in her again,
and look at the gift from god she’s trying to kill for whatever stupid reason
socialists put in her little head. She
won’t be able to parent it? Provide for
it? Can barely provide for herself as
is? Just feed it cake.
love cake.
shouldn’t have to have the rest of her life be determined by one mistake, or a
violent act inflicted upon her? Well. You couldn’t say we didn’t warn you in all of
those classes we put you through that told you the only way to avoid the
negative consequences of sex was to avoid it all together. And essentially attempted to reprogram the
intrinsic biological nature of all of you as human beings in order to conform
you to the ideas of a religious belief.
Can’t say we didn’t warn you.
The biggest laugh of this all is what they’re saying about your
bill: “Government sanctioned rape.” As
if a doctor performing an unnecessary procedure penetrating a woman, who would
not give her consent were it not the law and her future depended upon it. How about government sanctioned kill that
goddamned idea bitches have that keeps me from getting my rocks off? The audacity of some people. How could they live with themselves every
day? After washing their body in the
shower from the filth cleaner than them, how could they wipe the steam off the
mirror and stare into the face of such a shallow, selfish, pitiful excuse for a
human being?
only more men were like you. This world
would be a better place. And women would
know theirs.
leave you with the immortal words of a man closer to God than I’ve even known:
“The minute the jizz hits that egg,
It’s a human being with rights.
Until it pops out with a ‘gina.”
With love from your biggest fan,
Maxwell Wilson
The term: "War on Women." is hyperbole. It's a dramatic way of phrasing a current trend in politics that concerns the perceived attack on women's rights. However. I don't find the allusion unjustified in the slightest, especially in a country where concerns regarding the separation of church and state are classified as the "WAR ON CHRISTMAS," and one woman on the news who says something about how the wife of a politician hasn't been in the job market because she hasn't gets declared as "THE DEMOCRAT'S WAR ON MOMS." If that's a war, then there isn't a word yet for what to put before "on Women."
Jason Steele is someone I hold in high regard. He's most famous for the internet cartoon "Charlie the Unicorn", but he's also a really smart guy, and a damn talented debater. He wrote this thing about the background of the "War on Women" that I know I couldn't do nearly as well:
"There are bills being presented and, in many cases, passed right now that attack women's rights.
One of the more controversial ones involved forcing women to get medically unnecessary transvaginal ultrasounds before getting an abortion.
This is a transvaginal ultrasound:
Again, this is entirely unnecessary from a medical perspective, its purpose was to guilt or scare women out of getting an abortion by forcing them to be painfully vaginally penetrated before they were allowed to get the procedure.
Then there's the "Protect Life Act", which would allow hospitals to let a woman die instead of performing a medically necessary abortion.
In South Dakota, a bill has been presented that would allow people to murder doctors who perform abortions.
In Maryland, funding was dropped for low-income preschool programs. The justification given for this was that women should stay home with their children instead of having careers.
Also, various states and the federal government have ended or banned funding for Planned Parenthood, a women's health care organization that provides a variety of important health services, only 3% of which are abortion-related. There are a huge number of low-income women who rely on them for affordable health care, something they will no longer be able to get with these cuts.
There are a huuuuuuge number of other bills being submitted left and right at the moment, these are just some of the most talked about."
-Jason Steele
(, May 7th, 2012)
"There are bills being presented and, in many cases, passed right now that attack women's rights.
One of the more controversial ones involved forcing women to get medically unnecessary transvaginal ultrasounds before getting an abortion.
This is a transvaginal ultrasound:
Again, this is entirely unnecessary from a medical perspective, its purpose was to guilt or scare women out of getting an abortion by forcing them to be painfully vaginally penetrated before they were allowed to get the procedure.
Then there's the "Protect Life Act", which would allow hospitals to let a woman die instead of performing a medically necessary abortion.
In South Dakota, a bill has been presented that would allow people to murder doctors who perform abortions.
In Maryland, funding was dropped for low-income preschool programs. The justification given for this was that women should stay home with their children instead of having careers.
Also, various states and the federal government have ended or banned funding for Planned Parenthood, a women's health care organization that provides a variety of important health services, only 3% of which are abortion-related. There are a huge number of low-income women who rely on them for affordable health care, something they will no longer be able to get with these cuts.
There are a huuuuuuge number of other bills being submitted left and right at the moment, these are just some of the most talked about."
-Jason Steele
(, May 7th, 2012)
I was raised and grew up around strong women. My mother, who early in her career as a hairdresser was put into an illegal contract by her boss, took the prick to court, kicked the shit out of him, and started her own business, has been the primary breadwinner for my family as long as I've been alive.
Both of my grandmothers were single mothers and are proof that even in an era that is founded on ideals of the nuclear family, it's bullshit, establishes a false status quo of women being lesser than men, and women can do more than just clean the house, they can keep it afloat.
Both of my sisters, two of my best friends in the world, are following in their footsteps in being strong, very individually driven fucking go-getters of the go-getteryest of persuasions.
I have absolutely no doubt in saying that they are way stronger than me in that respect, nor any fear for my masculinity in that admission. It's just a fact.
So when this recent trend in American politics to attack women's rights started showing it's tiny dick, I got mad. I hate this shit. Women are so regularly fucked over by our society, that it seems like the fucking over of women fuels the damn spins of our planet. Republicans looked at that seeming and assumed it fact, and assured that the Earth's spins wouldn't come to a screeching halt.
Being among the voices in our society smacking these scared little boys down is seriously the least I could do. I wish I had more money. I wish I could donate a lot more to Planned Parenthood and candidates running against these embarrassingly un-endowed remnants of a darker time. I don't especially care about money, though. I wouldn't mind living on the bottom rung of the world so long as I'd be able to write. I just wish I could do more to fight back. Because this a fight worth fighting. And I know if it were a fair fight with just my words vs. theirs, I could make it look like I were debating a bunch of four year olds with their heads cut off.
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