Saturday, July 16, 2011

What I Want

Before I get neck deep in doing this, I’m going to just take this time to plot out what I want and what I do not want from this entire dealio.

I want this to archive and present my writing to my friends, and anybody out there in the webzones who is interested is likewise welcome. If you are here to plagiarize or steal from any of the work presented on this website in any way, I cannot say enough to sway you from doing such a deed. If my lawyers and unrelenting, unforgiving nature when slighted fail to reach the amount of justice from you that I feel is necessary, you are truly an unlucky person. Having anyone else on the planet as an enemy, working relentlessly to seek vengeance would be rapture.

I don’t have much, but my writing is something I can truly say is truly mine, and the act of someone else acting as if it were theirs……to say I’d go full Bruce Wayne is an understatement. I hope you heed my warning while I still have the ability to feel remorse and pity for you :)

Most importantly than the previous, scary paragraphs that meant nothing to pretty much everyone here; I want this to keep going. It’s so hard to write, to sit down and just……write. It’s like you’re continuously pulling parts of yourself out and placing them all out in front of you to see it’s not anywhere near what you wanted it to be. To do that regularly, to the point of it defining you as a person, does not border on masochism; it describes it. But it’s what I want. More than anything. I’ll write on that more later, what I want to illustrate right now, is that I don’t want to lose this, and I don’t want to stop and lose sight of this as I have many times in the past. I’ve written recreationally enough to fill a couple journals, and then I stop for a while, then I start up again, then stop……you get the idea. I’ve long thought that because of that it was impossible for me to live the lifestyle of a writer (more on that later.)

Recently, however, I’ve proven to myself that I can do this; that it is something that exists in me. So as far as I’m concerned, there’s no excuse. I’ll never be able to say I couldn’t do it, because I KNOW I can. All I have to do now is stick to it and see what happens. I want this site here to be evidence to myself that I am not going to flake. I can spend a small amount of my day at least, keeping this alive and running. Anyone who wants to interact through the cold of the internet is more than welcome, even if they’re just reading, it really does mean a lot to me.

That’s pretty much all I want and do not want for this little slice of the internet. Now it’s time to get a writin’.