Sunday, July 31, 2011
Lorem Ipsum
Friday, July 22, 2011
Brunch at Bob Evans
Something that I feel is a part of the lifestyle of a writer, or at least, my writer’s lifestyle, is writing as a therapeutic exercise to understand the internalization of yourself and the world around you. It can be achieved when writing fiction, I certainly have when writing my books, but in order to go deeper into it, turning the writer’s lens to express and discover the Truth through journaling, is an equal part of that.
A hell of a lot of it is shit I’d never want anyone to see, due to its intense, personal nature, but some of it fills up that time in my life that I’m writing when I’m not in the mood to work on a book, or I’m stuck, but I need to write. It’s usually rough, unedited, rapid-fire puking. It usually characterizes my thought process, how I pick at things and constantly, maybe because of my anxiety or insecurities, remain skeptical and ask questions due to my fear of being wrong.
This is less of that and more just uncensored, what I was feeling when I just needed everything inside to come out but it couldn’t. I wrote it in the bathroom stall at Bob Evans during Brunch on the notepad function on my phone a couple days ago. I was having an anxiety attack, the first one I’ve had in a very long time, and I just needed to get away. I thought of editing it, but that seemed against the point. If any of this needs defense, or retraction, I will do so later. Stuff on Ram’s Head after this.
July Seventeenth, 2011. Noonish.
I’m in a cozy Bob Evans stall. I haven’t slept in fifty hours. If I could, I would, but I seem to be unable. I thought of passing out when the sun started rising this morning, at least giving it a try…but then thought about how my grandma was taking my family and me out to brunch around noon and just decided to duke it out with the haze in the corners of my eyes and wait until after that to do what all the normal people were doing while I was up staring at my ceiling with dry eyes. Outside the bathroom is a restaurant full of hungry Christians, purging themselves of their piety for some hotcakes drowning in gravy after a long Sunday morning, staring in the pews. Outside of that is a parking lot. The first thing I saw when my family and me came here was a bright yellow bumper sticker that said: “WHO WILL SAVE US FROM THE GOVERNMENT? (the ‘o’ in government replaced with the O from President Obama’s ’08 campaign logo) WHO WILL SAVE US FROM THE UNIONS? (the ‘u’ in unions replaced with the communist hammer and sickle of Soviet Russia)”
That seems like an omen now……
I sat down to brunch. Ordered food I knew I’d only eat a bit of.
I turned my head when I felt three fingers tap on my shoulder to see them attached to a hand living up the long black sleeve of a Catholic priest, bald and old and wearing glasses and looking almost like he slithered out of a black and white political cartoon from the newspaper my mom was reading next to me, save for white text reading: “CATHOLICISM” splattered across his chest. Apparently I was supposed to be scooting my chair up to give him more room to sit at the table directly behind me. He smiled and said something that I did not hear, before I said to no one in particular, and intentionally loud enough for him to hear: “you think he needed the extra room for the alter boy on his lap?”
An incredible act of rudeness on my part, also one that I won’t take back until the day I die, and one that give me a million chances to do it again, the only thing I’d do different is do my best to come up with something worse to say, like, that he needed the extra room for the alter boy under the table that he’s skull fucking.
Community exists for a reason. We should be nice to each other, and aim our collective sights on the assholes putting a stick in our spokes, while still respecting and understanding that sometimes they aren’t really, and letting them live their lives unobstructed. I however don’t believe I fit into any of the two latter categories. I’m not just being the anti-Catholic asshole in this situation, I am, I really am. But not in this situation. I am doing what we all should be doing as a community, collectively showing disrespect for those that truly deserve it.
It is very difficult for me to operate in this fucking deranged world in which I live. People who fuck children deserve respect, people who keep said children fuckers out of prison deserve respect, and the all the damn creeps that operate underneath it all with apathy, ignorance or worse, deserve respect. People, of stupidity to vast to speak of and of whom words do not exist to describe the vastness of their stupidity anyway, who sit for 8 years under the Bush Administration, and then a Nigger Democrat is elected and all of the sudden it’s fucking 1984, or 1776, or some other goddamn year it’s not where the rules of sanity need not apply, hide your kids, hide your wives, grab your guns and get ready for fucking Revelation, for no other reason than Glenn Beck says so; these goddamn people deserve respect. Is it so mad to say fuck no? To take the first steps to turning the wheel of our society into the direction of laughing at these fools and making them creep back into their caves, fearful of doing what our community will turn upon them for; expressing the twisted contents of their backwards minds. Perhaps in those caves they’ll find in exclusion from those of us with minds for thinking and hearts for feeling for people other than ourselves, that they are truly fucked up people, what they did is fucked up, and reconcile with us with a guarenfuckentee that they're done done done with the bullshit.
Keep in mind, I’m fully in favor of debate, I’m not talking about just being assholes to shout down debate, if that Catholic priest wanted to debate me, have a discussion with me, I would click my fucking heels. I am just very, very, very certain that the majority of these people are terrified of the result of what an intellectual debate, a fair discussion, what would be exposed would make them hurt, and every time they let that open, try and let the world of Faith and Lies survive in a fight in the world of Truth and Science, every time they do that they lose a bit of themselves that will never come back.
If they want debate, oh boy, please dear god upon that day they can find me, because I’ve been ready for a long time to take them down to china town. Glenn Beck, Mr. Adolf Ratslinger, Rupert Murdoch, all of the curators of what humans were before the Enlightenment; they don’t want a light shone upon their shallow attempts to bring us back to their times of faith and kings and gold and peasants. Maybe they’ll try to in a last ditch effort to just hold on to the scraps of whatever’s left of their kingdoms, but that day hasn’t come. Right now, assholes that not only fight against progress, teachers, minorities, and children, but the very concepts of fairness, unions, and Government as a means to fucking help people. They deserve no respect. The virtues that they hold are holding us back. Showing our disapproval and disrespect for them is the least we can do.
Sunday, July 17, 2011
"Collect the tissue from tea bags, allow masking tape to age and brown, and sacrifice assured craftsmanship for a work more down-to-earth. Pocket every trinket, each picking of rusted metal, scrap cardboard, discarded wood, chain or wire and find value in our gifts to the gutter. Please admire process, not price tags. Please appreciate the unique and very human ability to create. Do these things to defy what is manufactured and to celebrate what is ‘craft.'"
Back in the day when she did a presentation on her work, I remember being distinctly blown the heck away, and flipping through her blog again it's all coming back to me now. I remember, before even the deeper political stuff started coming up, just imagining living life like it was Minecraft, and my brain filling up with: "Whoa."s to the point of bursting.
But I digress, it's definitely worth a check out for anyone out there who haven't yet. Perhaps it will be that one thing to bring your life back from the twisted pile of broken dreams you keep in the corner, pretending its not there, pretending you're not a failure. I in fact promise that it will.
Thanks Sophie!
Hardcore writing stuff coming up soon.
Saturday, July 16, 2011
What I Want
Before I get neck deep in doing this, I’m going to just take this time to plot out what I want and what I do not want from this entire dealio.
I want this to archive and present my writing to my friends, and anybody out there in the webzones who is interested is likewise welcome. If you are here to plagiarize or steal from any of the work presented on this website in any way, I cannot say enough to sway you from doing such a deed. If my lawyers and unrelenting, unforgiving nature when slighted fail to reach the amount of justice from you that I feel is necessary, you are truly an unlucky person. Having anyone else on the planet as an enemy, working relentlessly to seek vengeance would be rapture.
I don’t have much, but my writing is something I can truly say is truly mine, and the act of someone else acting as if it were theirs……to say I’d go full Bruce Wayne is an understatement. I hope you heed my warning while I still have the ability to feel remorse and pity for you :)
Most importantly than the previous, scary paragraphs that meant nothing to pretty much everyone here; I want this to keep going. It’s so hard to write, to sit down and just……write. It’s like you’re continuously pulling parts of yourself out and placing them all out in front of you to see it’s not anywhere near what you wanted it to be. To do that regularly, to the point of it defining you as a person, does not border on masochism; it describes it. But it’s what I want. More than anything. I’ll write on that more later, what I want to illustrate right now, is that I don’t want to lose this, and I don’t want to stop and lose sight of this as I have many times in the past. I’ve written recreationally enough to fill a couple journals, and then I stop for a while, then I start up again, then stop……you get the idea. I’ve long thought that because of that it was impossible for me to live the lifestyle of a writer (more on that later.)
Recently, however, I’ve proven to myself that I can do this; that it is something that exists in me. So as far as I’m concerned, there’s no excuse. I’ll never be able to say I couldn’t do it, because I KNOW I can. All I have to do now is stick to it and see what happens. I want this site here to be evidence to myself that I am not going to flake. I can spend a small amount of my day at least, keeping this alive and running. Anyone who wants to interact through the cold of the internet is more than welcome, even if they’re just reading, it really does mean a lot to me.
That’s pretty much all I want and do not want for this little slice of the internet. Now it’s time to get a writin’.
Thursday, July 14, 2011
Hello, my name is Max Wilson, and I want to do what writers do. Just to give you all a bit of a preview; I am going to be writing on this blog about my various books and projects, as well as about the writing lifestyle in general, and do some typical journals and essays on a myriad of topics. My books and projects right now include:
Eating the Ram’s Head and Fig Leaf
A gonzo-noir, science fiction epic about the end of humanity. Much much much more will be written about this later.
Ram’s Head also has many stories within the story, sort of S. Morgansternish, but bigger. They include:
Hickory’s Eating the Ram’s Head: Man’s Journey against God
A hero’s journey story in the vein of traditional Greek mythology about the birth of humanity as a higher concept.
The Blessed Ego
This will be essentially me channeling Ayn Rand’s The Virtue of Selfishness. It’s a love letter to economic-conservatism, with some allusions to the fake author’s relationship with his dying wife and friends.
What I am sure of what this will be so far, is that is the first continuation of the original novel, will take place during the final hours of Earth, and not as in “OH NOES THE BOMB IS GONNA BLOW!!! RUN BOOMER!” more like there are only a handful of living organisms on Earth, and they’re just sort of hanging out, not really sure of what to do. It’ll be a lot more science-fictiony than the original book, sort of like Phillip K. Dick and Half Life, and it will be more bittersweet than Ram’s Head, in spite of the subject matter.
Detective Antipathy
This is a weird one. It’s a pulp-noir about a detective, and how he loses it, essentially. At first it’s very typical detective fiction about the pursuit of the Truth……then it takes a turn as that concept is tested by a force that exists and operates outside of the realms and rules of human knowledge.
A Powder Keg
A novella about a hyper conservative radio station in the 1930’s and its threatening downfall due to criminal charges, and a Johnny Carsonesque, late night variety show host who sets his sights to make fools of the popular station.
The Hell Baron
A dinner conversation between a Southern Baptist preacher, and a man he eventually discovers is the Devil.
That's all so far, I have another update on what I want this blog to be (and not be), soon. Thanks for reading :D